MN 501C3
Someone Ought To . . .
The goal of "Someone Ought To" is to find the things that everyone says someone ought to do, and then do those things until someone more competent comes along to do it right. We receive no government subsidies and require no payment for services. We subsist on the grace of God and the sale of used clothing and coffee mugs. Our director works 60 hours a week and does not receive a salary -so if you see him, give him ice cream. Click here for more information about our beliefs/philosophy of service. Otherwise, feel free to contact with any questions.

What needs to happen?
Are you aware of something that "Someone Ought To" do? Let us know how we need to help! Contact Daniel at danieltriestman@yahoo.com. He can't do anything, but he is pretty good at nagging other people with actual skills. Funds, grants and other resources can be made available.

Be Someone!
If you are interested in donating any time, money or stuff contact us or email Daniel Triestman at danieltriestman@yahoo.com

“Jackie's Attic” Thrift Store
“Jackie's Attic” is a “set your own price” thrift store where people are able to access clothing, furniture, appliances and other household items at whatever price is appropriate to their financial situation. “Jackie's Attic" serves as a resource to both walk-in customers as well as community churches, treatment centers, homeless shelters, social workers, home health care, law-enforcement agencies, probation officers or anyone else who might need immediate access to goods at little to no cost. We have been able to partner with over 60 community churches and agencies to provide free resources to hundreds of people in the Virginia area.
Moving, Transportation and Delivery Services
"Someone Ought To" is the premiere provider of free moving assistance, transportation and delivery throughout the "Iron Range." Since beginning these services in February, 2022 we have driven over 15,000 miles in order to provide deliveries, transportation, relocation, counseling, "dump runs" or other free services to hundreds of people in need.
The Community Garden
Located at the corner of 6th Avenue and 5th Street (605 S. 6th W., Virginia, MN) our community garden seeks to provide those in the Virginia area with free access to fruit and vegetables as well as provide a way for people to plant and grow their own crops. Any unharvested produce is distributed to those in the Virginia area, free of charge. The community garden is funded by volunteer labor and proceeds from “Jackie's Attic” Thrift Store.
Homelessness and poverty assistance
Partnering with area churches and para-church organizations, we have distributed thousands of pounds of food, clothing and other resources to those in need. We keep a stock of tents, sleeping bags, blankets, gift cards, gas cards to be distributed as available and appropriate. We are currently in the process of developing a facility with an intent to provide a free community hygiene station -complete with showers, restrooms and laundry resources; free storage for displaced persons; a drop-in center, regular food distribution and emergency housing for up to 24 family units.
What we do:
Here is a recap of what "Someone Ought To" did in 2023:
-We were able to fund the purchase and begin the renovation of 217 Chestnut.
-We were able to personally help move over two dozen families and individuals into new homes.
-We were able to provide free assistance, services and resources to over 60 community agencies, churches and para-church organizations.
-We were able to give away thousands of pounds of food, clothing, furniture and household items to those in need.
-We were able to present over $5,000 in charitable giving to local needs -such as rent, bills, gas, food, emergency repairs, etc.
-We were able to reestablish our community garden (located at the corner of 5th Street S. and 6th Ave. S.).
-We distributed over 600 meals.
-We drove over 5,000 miles in order to provide free transportation, delivery, assistance or counseling to those in need.
-We facilitated thousands of hours of work crews and community service projects throughout the Virginia area.
-Provide over 70 nights of emergency housing.